Active Projects and Research Areas for Centers
Overview of Active Projects
Selected Grants
- "NJ ACTS - Workforce Development/Pilots," NJIT PI: Guiling Grace, Rutgers, 2020-2024
- "Decentralized Vehicle Credential Management System Based on Consortium Blockchain," FHWA EAR, 2020-2023. PI, Grace Guiling Wang.
- "Model-Based Reinforcement Learning with Active Learning for Efficient Electrical Power Converter Design," DOE & IBM, 2020-2022. PI, Jing Li.
- "CRII: RI: Fairness and Profitability in Online Matching Markets," NSF, 2020-2022. PI, Pan Xu
- "EAGER: Collaborative Research: Understanding Human Behaviors and Mental Health using Federated Machine Learning on Smart Phones," NSF, 2020-2022. PI, Hai Phan.
- "A Humans-in-the-loop Optimization Framework for Designing Derived Attributes in Data Science", NSF, 2020-2023. PI, Senjuti Basu Roy.
Layer 1: Big Data Repository
Goals: Share data and analysis results for community building
Tasks: Standardize, categorize, and benchmark datasets
Layer 2: Big Data Technological Infrastructure
Goals: Provide generic and special big-data enabling solutions
Tasks: Investigate, design, develop, implement, and test big data-oriented analytics, visualization, computing, networking, workflow, storage, and retrieval solutions
Layer 3: Big Data Applications
Goals: Advances sciences in various domains
Tasks: Adapt, customize, and refine application-specific solutions
Recent Publications:
W. Liu, D. Yun, and C.Q. Wu., "GLEE: GPR-based Latent Effect Elimination for Performance Prediction of Big Data Transfer," In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 4-8, 2022 (Globecom22).
S. He, Y. Lu, Q. Tang, G. Wang, and C.Q. Wu., "Blockchain-Based P2P Content Delivery with Monetary Incentivization and Fairness Guarantee," Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, October 2022 (TPDS22).
E. Kenney, Q. Tang, and C.Q. Wu., "Anonymous Traceback for End to End Encryption," In Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, September 26, 2022 (ESORICS22).
S. He, T. Sun, Q. Tang, C.Q. Wu, N. Lipka, C. Wigington, and R. Jain. "Secure and Efficient Agreement Signing atop Blockchain and Decentralized Identity," In Proceedings of International Conference on Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems, Chengdu, China, August 4-5, 2022 (BlockSys22).
H. Alquwaiee and C.Q. Wu. "On Performance Modeling and Prediction for Spark-HBase Applications in Big Data Systems”. In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications, Seoul, South Korea, May 16-20, 2022 (ICC22).
C.Q. Wu (guest editor). Special Issue on "Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE), Wiley, March 2022.
Dongliang Chu, Chase Q. Wu, "Generalizing the Over Operator for Parallelization and Order-independency," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 151, pp. 52-60, May 2021 (JPDC21).
Daqing Yun, Wuji Liu, Chase Q. Wu, Nageswara S.V. Rao, and Rajkumar Kettimuthu, "Exploratory Analysis and Performance Prediction of Big Data Transfer in High-performance Networks," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 102, 104285, June 2021 (EAAI21).
Qianwen Ye, Wuji Liu, Chase Q. Wu, "NoStop: A Novel Configuration Optimization Scheme for Spark Streaming," In Proceedings of the 50th International Conference on Parallel Processing, Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago, IL, USA, August 9-12, 2021 (ICPP21).
Cybersecurity Research Center is currently supporting the following externally funded projects with collaborators.
- NSF in-toto (2018 - present)
- Collaborators: NYU
- This project seeks to secure the software development and distribution supply chain.
- The NJIT Secure Computing Initiative (funded by NSF) (2016 - present)
- NSF Theory and Practice of Cryptosystems Secure Against Subversion (2018 - present)
- Army Research Lab, MACRO: Models for Enabling Continuous Reconfigurability of Secure Missions (2013 - present)
- Collaborators: Penn State University, Carnegie Mellon University, Indiana University, UC Riverside, UC Davis
- This project seeks to advance the theoretical foundations of cyber science in the context of US Army networks.
Our center has also supported the following past externally funded projects since our founding in 2014:
- NSF Improving Android Security with Dynamic Slicing (2016 - 2021)
- Collaborators: UC Riverside
- This project focuses on dynamic slicing for Android and security applications of slicing.
- AFRL: B2CSM (2019 - 2020)
- Collaborators: UTSA
- This project aims to provide a study and prototype implementation of blockchain based cybersecurity management systems.
- Google Faculty Research Award (2019 - 2020)
- IARPA HECTOR VERONA (2019 - 2020)
- This project focuses on enabling easy deployment of secure computation.
- DARPA YFA MARSHAL (2017 - 2020)
- This project is developing new approaches to port open source libraries to new systems environments.
- Sloan Foundation REVET (2017 - 2019)
- Collaborators: MIT, University of Michigan
- This project is developing a prototype application of advanced cryptography for computing on social science data.
- DARPA SafeWare PALISADE (2015 - 2019)
- Collaborators: MIT, UCSD, Raytheon BBN Technologies
- This project is providing the first-ever implementations of cryptographically secure program obfuscation techniques.
- DARPA SafeWare OPERA (2015 - 2019)
- Collaborators: Applied Communication Sciences (ACS) / Vencore Labs, Raytheon BBN Technologies
- This project has provided the first-ever prototype proof-of-concept applications of cryptographically secure program obfuscation techniques.
- DARPA Toto (2015 - 2018)
- This project seeks to secure the software development and distribution supply chain.
- Collaborator: NYU
- IARPA RAMPARTS (2016 - 2017)
- Collaborator: Galois, Inc.
- This project has provided groundbreaking techniques for applied encrypted computing.
NSF CAREER Secure and Reliable Outsourced Storage Systems Using Remote Data Checking (2011 - 2017)
NSF Avatar: Mobile Distributed Computing in the Cloud (2014 - 2018)
- NSA CAE PARAPET (2015 - 2016)
- This project has provided first-ever prototypes for cryptographically secure distributed data sharing based on post-quantum encryption
- DARPA PROCEED (2014 - 2015)
- Collaborators: Raytheon BBN Technologies, Georgia Tech
- This project resulted in some of the earliest and most advanced software and hardware implementations of homomorphic encryption.